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Band to Join.


I'm a devout follower of hard, classic Rock and Roll. Tasty riffs and mean power chords define my game, and I have a strong passion for improving as both a lead and rhythm player. While rock and punk are my key areas of interest, I'm also of the belief that all music has the opportunity to be good - what matters is the sound, and the soul.

I also very much appreciate the humanity in honest, raw playing. While I'd agree it's silly to deny the massive advancements technology has made for the world of music, I think it's easy to get too reliant on it to do the job for you. Real music comes from the heart, soul... and your fingers!

I've yet to actually get out and gig, which is a big reason for creating a profile. Playing alone can get dull after a while, and I want to experience both the enjoyment and learning experience that playing alongside other musicians can offer. I'm not the most seasoned player out there, with only roughly a year's worth of experience, and having yet to cut my teeth into the musical world, but that's just why I want to jump right into it. Can't reach the greatest heights without taking some stumbles.

Want to meet up for a good jam or otherwise? Find me at ;
Or contact me via 07716712713
OR... email me at KINJ1_17uni.worc.ac.uk!

Screen name:
Member since:
Mar 18 2019
Active within 1 month
Level of commitment:
Years playing music:
Available to gig:
2-3 nights a week
Most available:


KISS - My all-time favourite band for at least a decade. I have a strong love for most iterations of KISS, though their 70s run with the original line-up will remain my most favourite. In particular, lead guitarist Ace Frehley remains my most influential guitarist of all time, with his iconic solo to "Shock Me" being the first solo I sought to master.

Pete Kent - Acoustic Fingerstyle guitarist from Wolverhampton. Pete is my guitar teacher, and a damn great one at that. The main endorsee for Ibanez acoustics in the UK, and having a masterfully unique style, Pete has greatly influenced my improvement, and also intrigued me into the realm of fingerstyle with his own intriguing music.

My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Offspring etc. - All the textbook names that come from the mind of a late 2000s teen looking for powerful music. These bands always drove my love for music to greater heights.

Vocally - Kiss influences me in the realm of vocals. I have yet to take any formal vocal training, but I love to sing, and I find that KISS tunes are the most energetic and fun for me to perform, as each vocalist has their own unique flair - Stanley has the widest range from smooth and suave to hard rocking, and even Gene Simmons can belt out a killer lead vocal for harder classic tunes (such as Firehouse, Nothing to Lose and Deuce.)

Instrument experience:

Rhythm Guitar:
Lead Guitar:
Background Singer:


Right now my equipment is quite limited given being on a university budget and living in a modest flat, but for what I do have I am very infatuated with my current tool set.

2016 Epiphone Les Paul Standard Midnight Ebony, SH8 Invader Neck, DiMarzio Super Distortion Bridge

Westfield Les Paul Style, Standard Humbuckers (To be modded in future!)

Marshall MG15FX (To be changed soon)

Line 6 AmplifiFX