Band to Join, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.ABOUT
Been playin for 32-years. Describe myself as very advanced. Write a lot of my own tunes. If you can whistle it, your'e probably onto a winner.
Would like to meet Niomi Belle. Knock some stuff about..the olde fashioned stuff.
- Screen name:
- chris339404
- Member since:
- Jan 28 2018
- Active within 1 month
- Level of commitment:
- Very Committed
- Years playing music:
- 30
- Gigs played:
- Over 100
- Tend to practice:
- 2-3 times per week
- Available to gig:
- 2-3 nights a week
Mark Knopfler, Jose feliciano, Joan Byez, Eddie Reeder, deep purple, Nina Simone, too many to list.
Instrument experience:
- Lead Guitar:
- Advanced
- Acoustic Guitar:
- Advanced
- Keyboard:
- Advanced
- Piano:
- Advanced
- Clarinet:
- Intermediate
pa. cans. leccy guitar, Yammy semi classical cutaway, yammy stage piano, yammy clarinet-I Like Yamaha!!
Some People
Some People Track number: 8 Year: 1998 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Acoustic
Just about people who muck you around
Kizzys Baba
Kizzys Baba Track number: 7 Year: 2000 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Classic Rock
Written after my sister in law lost her baby. Used the leccy guitar to imitate distressed sounds from the womb.
Pioneer Days
Pioneer Days Track number: 11 Year: 1999 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Acoustic
Co written with Aussie cellist Ilse de Ziah. Inspired by early American settlers and the hardships they faced.
Modern World
Modern World Track number: 10 Year: 2000 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Electronic
How jets and bombs pollute and spread fear in our world. The sounds were written using Fibonacci principles, and the golden number 7.8 at which the ionosphere vibrates. Therefore, a guitar sound might be: bass-7.8x10=78-would be the level setting. The sideswipes from the jets were taken @ RAF Valley, Anglesy, in the public viewing area. To get the juicy Vulcan bomber taking off at full throttle, at the end of the track, my friend and I had to sneak on to the base, with three dogs, and just wait with a digital four-track. Nothing like shoving a mic up a Vulcans arse. Cracking sound; we were in just the right place to capture max thrust-a rocky outcrop on the edge of the base. A noise straight from hell. The drums were me banging on the table with the four-track set to 'onboard mic' I just thought Celtic peoples rising up, and being people of the land, not being bullied by political thugs. taking back their Birthright. proud. Indomitable. The sounds at the very end are me blowing across the top of the onboard mic-to hopefully simulate nuclear bombs going off in the distance. If we don't stand up and speak truth, these idiots might well push us to it. Don't be afraid to crank up the volume and use your imagination, maybe with your eyes closed.
Little Boy Little Girl
Little Boy Little Girl Track number: 4 Year: 2012 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Rock
Original tune
Egg'n bacon Boogie
Egg'n bacon Boogie Track number: 12 Year: 2000 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Rock
Standing Around
Standing Around Track number: 3 Year: 1989 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Pop
Untitled Year: 2001 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Metal
Just liked the rocky sounds in this one
48 Year: 2015 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Rock
Nice optimistic song about meeting a stranger and hearing words of peace for a change
Mountain Shadow
Mountain Shadow Track number: 14 Year: 1998 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Electronic
shame didn't use a live drummer
Black Mountain Sunset
Black Mountain Sunset Track number: 15 Year: 1998 Album: rough diamonds Genre: Electronic
Again, shame didn't use a live drummer
California Track number: 17 Year: 2013 Album: Helen Evans /rough diamonds Genre: Classic Rock
An Eddie Reader cover. Just liked some of the keyboard sounds