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Hello there.

I’m Daniel, a guitarist from Mexico. I am coming to Europe in August.

One of my dreams is to stay in Europe, get a job (music related) and get a band.
I am more into Rock, Metal and Country Music, but I can play any other genre.

I really want to make this real, that’s my dream.

Currently I play with in ears, wireless system, sing backing vocals and have knowledge on audio engineering.

Please, let me know how to apply for a music related job, if it's not a bother. It could be staff, audio engineer for a band, guiyar player, sales man in a music store, an employee for concert promoters, employee for music gear.

I have my Press Kit, music, videos, recordings and own professional gear.

Endorsement with Soundcraft mixers & Seymour Duncan pickups

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube/channel/UCnhmwFLY-0VQ4IHYcNjDuVg

Contact name:
Screen name:
Daniel Salazar
Member since:
Jun 28 2024
Active within 1 week