Band to Join, Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Background Singer, Bagpipes, Banjo, Bass Guitar, Cello, Clarinet, DJ, Dobro, Drums, Electronic Music, Fiddle, Flute, Harmonica, Harp, Keyboard, Lead Guitar, Mandolin, Other, Other Percussion, Piano, Rhythm Guitar, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trumpet, Ukulele, Upright bass, Violin, Vocalist, Vocalist - Alto, Vocalist - Baritone, Vocalist - Bass, Vocalist - Soprano, Vocalist - Tenor.ABOUT
Im a foreign music student in Manchester, who previously did college in Edinburgh. I look for bands to join as a performer learner and become better with the band.
I seek to get more experience and confidence on stage and of course level up my skills as a live performer, improving my confidence on stage and experience.
- Screen name:
- jim444897
- Member since:
- Feb 18 2024
- Active within 1 week
- Level of commitment:
- Committed
- Years playing music:
- 4
- Gigs played:
- Under 10
- Tend to practice:
- 2-3 times per week
- Available to gig:
- 2-3 nights a week
My main influence has been funk basslines and classic rock music, but I like to challenge myself with different music genres
Instrument experience:
- Bass Guitar:
- Advanced
- Vocalist:
- Intermediate
2 active basses, 1 jack-to-jack lead and a practice amp. I'm foreign so I don't have as much equipment as I'd like.
Hit me with your rhythm stick
Hit me with your rhythm stick (Video)EhadlrgfNR0
Erotomania (Video)u0eUBUuLVes