Audio mastering services - 1 song FREE try-out!!!
My commercial in-house audio mastering facilities, KHz Studios, have been in operation for the past five years. I have mastered a wide range of material from audio CD's to DVD video soundtracks, radio broadcasts, cartoons and short film, always with 100% client satisfaction.
Musically, my mastering experience is extensive and wide-reaching, including over 50 commercial albums and demos from rock, folk, jazz, r n b, soundscapes and dance music genres.
As always, I offer the first mastered track for free with no obligation to commit to any further mastering services. Simply send me your mixed-down stereo demo track (only one please) and I'll master it and send both your mix and my master back to you for direct comparison. This FREE try-out mix should be sent to me in a compressed MP3 format (160 kbps or higher ideally) by email for speedy digital transfer.
**message me at http://www.myspace/blazingossicles to arrange your FREE master try-out.
1 - So, you're happy with your FREE mix and want me to master the rest of your songs ASAP. I charge 10 pounds ($20) per track I master - flat rate - very simple. I double this cost if tracks exceed 10 mins in length, triple it for tracks over 20 mins, etc...
2 - Masters will be processed and executed in 24 bit using state-of-the-art mastering technology (dithered down to 16 bit masters if you prefer).
3 - Master mixes will be exhaustively tested in various acoustic environments using Tannoy Reveal active nearfield monitors, Sennheiser headphones, a high quality car stereo and Yamaha NS-10's. I will also optimise RMS levels, mono compatibility and any existing track phase issues, showing adherance to red book mastering standards.
4 - A 25% deposit will be required before I master your work. Sadly this is quite necessary to protect my business from cowboys looking for a free lunch.
5 - I require just 7 DAYS to master and return your mixes after receipt of your music along with the 25% deposit. I will then send you MP3 versions of my masters for you to check and approve. If you are happy, you then pay me in full for my work, then you recieve your 24 bit stereo .wav masters, (or the master format of your pre-stated choice).
Your final masters can be sent to you digitally of by post on CD/DVD master. (Master CD, postage and packaging are free of charge within the UK, P&P charged at cost price abroad)
Contact me at http://www.myspace/blazingossicles for mastering arrangements or more information, or write to me at jimkoff
Try me out now - how can you lose?!
- Contact name:
- James Barlow
- Screen name:
- khzstudios
- Member since:
- Dec 28 2006
- Active over 1 month ago
- Phone number:
- 07838 491080
- Website:
- http://www.myspace.com/blazingossicles
First track mastered FREE
All subsequent tracks ten pounds each ($20).
Contact for more info.